4071 Bee Ridge Road
Suite #101 Sarasota, FL 34233
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Suite #101 Sarasota, FL 34233
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We Are Experts In
Is Regeneration Possible for Neuro-Dysfunction and Degeneration?
It is a Proven Fact that the Human Nervous System has the capacity to rebuild, restore, and regenerate through a Natural Process called “Neuroplasticity”, which has no age or time limit to this neurologic miracle. Medical Professionals tend to forget that “There is Nothing on Gods’ Green Earth That Can Heal the Body as Well as The Body… Nothing!®”
Is it possible to “Harness Our Own Healing, Growth Factors, and Stem Cells to Enhance Our Natural Neuroplasticity… Absolutely! (as per Harvard Studies)
Regenerative Medicine began in 2005 with the use of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, and has been advancing rapidly ever since.
What Makes Your Treatments Different and Better?
Our Advanced Regenerative, Precision-Based, Guided Procedures, Protocols, Products, and Future Patents are Revolutionizing Modern Medicine with the ability to assist in the rebuilding of many structures of the body, that were not thought possible just a few years ago…
What About the Traditional Treatments?
Traditional Treatments rely on the “Drugs and Surgery” approach. This may generate a ton of profits, but at the expense of the patient’s quality of life, and sometimes leads to a Lifetime of Suffering…Unnecessarily!
Are You “Sick and Tired… of Being Sick and Tired”…?
If your Neurologist or Ortho/ Neuro-Surgeon recommends “More Drugs or Surgery”, and you’re not getting any better, Get a New Doctor! Get the “Quality of Life” that You Desire…and Deserve!
Is there a way to potentiate the Neuroplasticity of Our Own Body?
Yes, Harness Your Own Natural Healing to Live a Better Quality of Life!
Whether you have sustained acute or chronic injuries from your head to your hammertoes, your body has the capacity to perform remarkable regenerative processes…
How Can Our Body Rebuild Itself?
It’s doing it as we speak! “Our Body Naturally Regenerates Every Day”… We get a new layer of skin and eye lenses daily, and rebuild our entire skeleton every 7-10 years. Our Natural Neuro Regenerative Processes keeps us alive and well, and without it we would likely be dead in 3-4 hours.
What Inhibits Regeneration of Tissues?
“Risk Factors” like Smoking, Drinking, Diabetes, COPD, Vascular Disease, Auto-Immune Disorders, Blood Disorders, Poor Nutrition, Obesity, Genetics, and Covid/ Vaccine Related Factors. Some can be reversed, and some cannot.
If We Have Risk Factors, Does This Mean That I Cannot Benefit From These Amazing Treatments?
Not at all! Anyone can take advantage of our Natural Neuroplastic Regenerative Processes, because if you have a pulse, it will work!
How Many Patients Have Had Successful Regenerative Procedures…
In the past 20 years…Countless!
Were you able to achieve “Decreased Pain and Increased Function” with these Neuro-Degenerative Patients…
Absolutely! Although everyone is different and there are hundreds of neurologic disorders that may be in isolation, or complicated by other disorders, the “Nerves of the Body Always Follow the Same Pattern”… So the Diagnostic Experts are RegeneMed Bio Health® just “Follow the Pattern” when treating patients to get “Real Results That Last”, not temporary fixes.
How Happy and Satisfied Are Your Patients With Your Advanced Regenerative Procedures they received at RegeneMed Bio Health®…?
So much so that they bring their friends and family for regenerative treatments!
What type of Neurologic Disorders have you treated in your 20-year career as a Regenerative Interventional Physician…?
For the Brain: Parkinsons, Stroke, Long-Covid, Traumatic Brain Injury, Dementia, Alzheimers, MS, Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr Virus, MTHFR Disorder, Spinal Cord Injury, Post-Concussive Syndrome, CTE, and others
For the Body: Post Covid, Post Vaccine Syndrome, Roboto Nerves, Nerve Impingement, Post-Surgery Syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, Cauda Equina Syndrome, CRPS/ RSD, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and many other life altering and challenging neurologic disorders.
Have you helped others like me who have been suffering these horrible nerve disorders…?
Yes, We Have!
Please look at our “RegeneMedBioHealth.com” website and look for your conditions, patient information, and testimonials of our actual patients, “Just Like You”, who suffered severely, before we performed their “Life-Changing Regenerative Treatments”.
But, I was told that “Neurologic Disorders Are Harder to Treat That Regular Disorders”… Not True!
Your body has the potential to rebuild Neurologic Disorders just as it has with any tissues disfunction, disorder, or disease, and in some cases better… Because Your Entire Neurologic System Has Neuroplasticity!
Your Body has an innate ability to Rebuild Damaged Nerves, Reconnected Crushed or Severed Nerves, Redirect and Reroute to Other Nerves, and Renovate Intra-Nerve Networking to Increase Brain to Big Toe System Potential.
What type of medicine do you practice at RegeneMed Bio Health®…?
Interventional Regenerative Medicine (Double Board Certified no less…!)
Do I have to go under anesthesia for an Advanced Regenerative Treatments…?
No, of course not. That is Not Necessary, and Could Be Dangerous…
Safe, effective, sterile, and precise treatments are performed by our staff daily, and aways with fluoroscopic or Ultrasound guidance, highly trained medical personnel, and by Board Certified Physicians only, to ensure the highest quality outcomes.
Have you successfully treated many types of nerve, neurological, and neurodegenerative disorders?
Hundreds, if not thousands (who then refer a family member, friend, or co-worker so that they too can benefit from the Advanced Regenerative Nano-Medicine that has improved so many lives…).
How would you describe what you do at RegeneMed Bio Health®…?
First and Foremost… “HAVE THE BODY HEAL THE BODY®” (There is Nothing on God’s Green Earth going to Heal Your Body, better that Your Body…)
What are your Medical Mottos at RegeneMed Bio Health®:
v Structure Determines Function… Or dysfunction (your body tells you what’s wrong with it, we just need to listen…)
v Listen to the patient! (We have 2 ears and 1 mouth, for a reason…)
v Always find the “Correct Diagnosis” (you can’t treat what you don’t know…)
v Find-it, Fix-it (I’m a car guy at heart)
v No Unnecessary Drugs or Surgeries (That just doesn’t work!)
v Do it right, and do it once (or don’t do it at all…)
v If it is not going to make your life better What’s the Point? Don’t do it!”
v We Believe that “You Deserve a Better Life” (why suffer lifelong ineffective, expensive, and sometimes dangerous drugs and surgery when there’s a Better Way…?)
I am suffering, so does it take long to get an appointment…?
Most appointment are within 1-2 weeks (although immediate appointment can be made when necessary)
Does RegeneMed Bio Health® have more than one location…?
Yes, we are conveniently located in Sarasota and Venice Florida
What if I live too far away or out of state? Can I still be seen and treated?
Absolutely! Our helpful staff will be glad to facilitate a face to face digital appointment or Zoom call where our Expert Physicians will be able to do most of the New Patient Evaluation and Custom Treatment Plan, prior to ever making the trip, which will save you time, money, and facilitate immediate treatments when you arrive, have confirmational evaluation prior to treatment, and be ready to go home the same day in most cases.
How can I get more information about my Neurologic or other medical condition?
Just go to the “RegeneMedBioHealth.com” website and look for your condition
Dr. Cole believes the body tells you what’s wrong with it, you just have to know how to listen.
Call today to reserve your consultation time with Dr. William Cole.
Dr Cole believes “You deserve a better quality of life… Don’t You?”